To be a slave of the three idols I have spoken to you about today is real
Shirk. You have broken the idols of stone, demolished the temples built of
bricks and mortar, but paid little attention to the temples built within your
breasts. To break these idols is most essential, nay it is the foremost
condition to become a Muslim. Although I am addressing all the Muslims, and I
am sure whatever loss the Muslims of the world as well as those of India are
suffering is the result of worshipping these idols- but because Punjabi
brethren are at present before me I have particularly to tell them that the
root of all their ruination, humiliation and calamity are these very three
things I have just mentioned. You are more than fifteen million in this land of
the Punjab. You are more than half of the population of this province and the
rest belong to other communities. But in spite of being such a big community
you have no weight of your own. Some numerically far smaller communities than
you are weighty. Think over its reason? Its only reason is that by being slave
to Nafs, to family customs and to human beings, leaving aside God, your
strength has been sapped from within.
1.Difference of castes
have amongst you Rajputs, Gakhars, Mughuls, Jats and many other communities.
Islam had asked all these communities to become one community, be a brother
unto each other and get cemented like a solidly built wall of compact bricks.
But you are still clinging to the old Hindu ideas. Just as there are separate
castes among Hindus, in the same manner you are still split into separate
tribes. You do not intermarry like Muslims. There is no relationship of
brotherhood and fraternity between each other. Verbally you call each other
Muslim brothers but in reality you observe all those distinctions which were
prevalent before Islam. These distinctions have prevented you from becoming a
strong wall. Each and every brick of yours is disjointed. You can neither rise
together nor face a calamity together. If you are asked, in accordance with
Islamic teachings, to break these distinctions and become one again, what do
you reply? Just the same one point: "We cannot break the customs which
have come down from our forefathers". What answer is given by God to this
“Only this "You may not break these
customs and you may not give up following the rites of Hindus. We shall also
break you into pieces and shall put you to disgrace and dishonor in spite of
your numerical superiority."
2. Injustice in inheritance
had commanded you that your sons and daughters are all entitled to inheritance.
The answer you give to it is:
"According to the law of our forefathers
only sons and not daughters are entitled and we recognize the law of our
forefathers in the place of the law of God."
God's sake tell me if this is Islam? When you are asked to break this ancestral
law, everybody from amongst you says that when all others will break it, you
will also break it, as otherwise if others did not give a share to their
daughters and you gave it then your wealth will go to others and the wealth of
others will not come to your home. Just consider what does this reply mean?
Will the Law of God be obeyed on this condition that when others will obey it
then you will also follow suit.
you will say: "If others commit adultery, I shall also do it, if others
commit theft, I shall also steal. In short, till such time as others do not
give up sinning, I shall continue to commit all sins". The actual fact is
that in this matter all the three above-mentioned idols are being worshipped.
There is servitude of Self, servitude of forefathers, and servitude of
polytheist nations. And along with all these three evils, there is also the
claim that you yet belong to Islam! These are only two examples. Otherwise if
the situation is looked at with open eyes, countless diseases like this will be
found rampant within you. And in all these you will find that somewhere there
is worship of one idol, somewhere of two and somewhere of three. While these
idols are being worshipped and along with it Islam is also being claimed, then
how do you expect that Allah will shower His blessing on you which has been
promised only to true Muslims?
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